Sitting Out Your Last College Football a Selfish Move!!

This past bowl season there were multiple big name college football players, who decided to sit out their last game in their college careers. This really made me mad!! I thought to myself that it is not fair to their teammates and the schools. These players were sitting out of their last college game because they were afraid of getting hurt, and having their draft stock fall and cost them millions of dollars. I get it that you are trying to make it in the NFL, but it is really a crappy move to bail on your team and teammates during a bowl game. I personally would not have sat out the bowl game, just because my parents always told me that if I start something, I have to finish it always through until the very end. To me, this just shows me that these players are soft, and pampered these days. I never once growing up saw a star player sit out his last college football game especially if it was a bowl game unless they had an injury. This also shows to me that they are not real team players, they are quitting on their teammates and they don’t care. I really hope that these kids coming up in the next few years, do not end up sitting out their last games in college especially if it is a bowl game.